

November 02, 2015                                                                                                 __    Lillie Baker –Editor 

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE:                                   President:  Becky Culver (795-0597)           

GFWC is proud to partner with a number of dynamic and impactful organizations.  Together, we work to improve our communities and better our world.  Our partners offer unique and customized services.  Including materials, speakers, kits, and/or additional information specifically designed for GFWC clubs. 

St Jude Children’s Research Hospital 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases.  Everything the organization does is centered on finding cures and saving children, and families never receive a bill from St. Jude. 

St. Jude continues the vision of its founder, Danny Thomas, that no child is denied treatment based on race, religion, nationality, or a family’s ability to pay.  St. Jude pays for treatments, travel, and  housing for patients and family.  Their kitchen staff also will prepare meals for patients using recipes provided by families for their loved one.  By sharing our knowledge freely and exchanging ideas openly, St. Jude inspires more collaboration between doctors and researchers worldwide, and, as a result, more lifesaving treatments for children everywhere. 

Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since it first opened.  For instance, leukemia had a mortality rate of 94 percent in 1962.  Today the mortality rate has dropped to 4 percent.  Amazing!  The vast majority of patients are treated on an outpatient basis.  The hospital has only about 75 beds for inpatient treatments.  Their research is shared globally, so children receive ground-breaking treatments where they live as well as at St. Jude. 

MEMBER BIRTHDAYS:____________________________________________________ Barbara Kershner         Evelyn Lachenauer             Patsy Miller                  Jo Ann Ryan        Judith DiSilvestro 

IN LOVING MEMORY:_______________________________________________

Larry Leons, husband of Marty Lansiedel passed away on Saturday, October 17, 2015.  A $30.00 memorial contribution, for a book in Larry’s memory, will be sent to the Citrus County Library System.  If you wish to send a card send to: 1030 Fairview Street, Lawrenceburg, IN.  47025 

THANK YOU: ________________________________________________ Holly Oder

Thank You for the cards and phone calls after my recent surgeries.  It means a lot to know that people care. 

ARTS:  _____________________________________________Holly Oder (564-2541)

“ART” will meet November 5th, 12th, and 19th.  There will be no ART in December.  The snowman ornaments and Santa Pins are available at our meeting today.  The Snowmen are $3.00 each and the Santa Pins are $2.00 each.  The quilt tickets are still available at $1.00 each.  The quilt drawing will be at our December General Meeting and it would make a nice Christmas Gift for someone or a nice cover for a baby crib. 

TRASH AND TREASURE:_________________________________Arts Department

“Thank You” to everyone for your donations and assistance with the pricing, setup, working the day of the sale and packing up what wasn’t sold.  The leftover items were donated to Habatat, Crystal Gem Nursing Home, Humanitarians, and Daystar.

We did very well for we made $783.25 and we donated to worthy causes. 

Don’t forget ladies when you are making room for your new Christmas items that you save your old items for our next Trash and Treasure.  It is scheduled for March 13, 2016. 

SANTA HUGS PROJECT:                                                          Holly Oder (564-2541)

We have shipped ninety four (94) Santa hugs in two boxes to Santa America for St Jude Children’s Research Hospital and other Children’s Hospitals.  We will continue to make them until the fabric and trims are gone.  This is a fun project if you would like to join us.  

WAYS AND MEANS:  _______________________________Lois Thomas (382-0777)


The GFWC Crystal River Woman’s Club is hosting a Harvest Dinner on Friday, November 20, at their clubhouse at 320 N Citrus Ave in Crystal River. The menu, catered by Oysters of Crystal River, features roast turkey with dressing, sweet potatoes, 3 bean salad, rolls, beverage and apple pie for dessert. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. with dinner served at 6 p.m.

Chuck of CW Hisey Entertainment will be singing all-time favorites and lead a sing-a-long so you can join in the fun.

The Harvest Dinner will be an evening of fun and good food. You don’t want to miss out on this event for only $20 per person.      Seating is limited so call Lois Thomas at 352-382-0777 to purchase your ticket early. 

Funds raised by the event go to assist local community organizations in need.


FOOD DONATIONS :                                                              Carla Nicklas (257-1480)

On October 07, 2015 59 pounds of food items were taken to Day Star in Crystal River, following our October 5th luncheon.

Thank you, ladies for your generous donations.  Day Star is appreciative of the donation.


CRYSTAL RIVER TREE BOARD: ___________________Ruth Samuda (445-1758)

Ruth Samuda will be displaying information from the Crystal River Tree Board at our meeting today.  Please stop by and check it out.


CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON:   __________________Madeline Markowitz (794-0477)

The Christmas membership luncheon will be at Crystal River Golf Club (previously 7 Rivers Golf and County Club) on Monday December 7, 2015.  Doors open at 11:30 a.m.

Choices Are:  1. Chicken Marsala                2. Beef Tips                 3. Pasta Primavera

Cost of this will be $21.00 per person.

Reservations will be taken until November 29th.

CRYSTAL GEM MANOR GIFTS:_________________________________________

Please bring the Christmas gifts for the residents of Crystal Gem Manor Assisted Living to the December Luncheon if you forgot to bring today.  For those members who did not get a resident’s name and gift choice, you may see Joan Mott at the November meeting and she will give you the information

Thank you for spreading Christmas joy to these residents!

Helen Lefave, Spokesperson for Home Life CSP


HOSPITALITY:  ­­­­­­­­____       ____________________________Shirley Jones (382-3418)

Hi, Today Helen Lefave and Elvia Dickerson are here to serve you along  with their hostesses. 

CHAIRS: make a note the new set-up guy to help Sunday and Monday is Ed Johnson 795-1477.  Please call with time to meet for set up, Sundays he is available 2:00 pm on.  Christmas Party is our December luncheon so there will be no meeting at the end of today’s luncheon. 

Remember to turn in the hours and costs sheet.  Thanks. 

At the September meeting I approached the subject about the monthly luncheons.  Some of the feed back was not too positive about the need for certain details.

  1. Seems like there was some misunderstanding about the need for collecting the hours worked and the Cost each member contributed.  This is listed in the reports sent at the end of the year to GFWC.
  1. The luncheon we have each month is the one committee every member is obliged to participate in.  Since my term I have seen the monthly contribution go from $10.00 to $15,00 and now it stands at $20.00, this reflects how everything has gone up.  When I see the cost some months it is hard to maintain these luncheons on $20.00, especially now that we are basically down to 10 members per committee.  This is why some ladies contribute much more, and for that reason alone it was suggested that if your dish only cost $15.00 it would be fair to put in the extra $5.00.  It may seem like a lot but if you look at it from the other angle we have 8 lunches for $2.50 each.
  1. If you recall a couple of years ago we took a vote on 4 different venues. We could go back to finger foods, cake and coffee, catered or stay the same.  This was put forward because I listened to member’s remarks and complaints and addressed the Board as to making a change.
  1. When I read out the way costs have escalated it was January 2013 $172.00 –January 2014 $301.00, then February 2013 $250.00 – February 2014 $321.00and increased the same for the rest of the months.  If you do the math, 10 members can’t do these prices.
  2. Our membership is down to 86 members.  So you can see we are working with less people.

Thank you ladies for the items for ENinni Hassee, they are great. 

NEW MEMBERS:  ___________________________Madeline Markowitz (794-0477)

Please add these ladies to your membership: 

Debra A Mixon                                               Judith DiSilvestro

14070 W Siren Court                                     8616 E Zephr Wing Court

Crystal River, Florida 34429-5188               Floral City, Florida 34436

  • 352-476-7751

E-Mail:                      no E-mail

Birthday: 12-26                                              Birthday:  11-28

TREASURER:                                   Lucy Ann Wines (489-4075) and Helen Lefave (628-1380)


                You probably have not looked at GFWC CRWC Standing Rules recently so we would like to refresh your memory.  Standing Rule #18 reads as follows: “All money collected, on behalf of CRWC, is to be turned over to the treasurer with a “deposit ticket” as soon as possible.  The treasurer shall pay all expenses for any event based upon documentation of expenses.  No expenses shall be deducted from any monies collected for any function or fundraiser. “

Recently, we have received cash without a deposit ticket.  Deposit tickets have been placed in the piano bench for your use.  If there are no deposit tickets available, please get paper and write the event the amount of cash and your name.  If you can’t find paper, a paper towel will do.  We appreciate your assistance because it makes our job easier and the funds are correctly credited to the event.

There have been several complaints from members that their checks are not cashed in a timely manner. Please submit the checks as soon as possible as indicated in the Standing Rules instead of waiting until the event is over.

As Interim Treasurers, we have divided the tasks so Helen Lefave receives the cash and checks to deposits and prepares the sale tax report. Lucy Ann Wines writes the checks and prepares the financial reports.  If the assigned person is not available, give your money or check request to whomever is available

Thank you for your attention to this request for help.

Lucy Ann Wines and Helen Lefave. 


Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park—————-===Carla Nicklas reporting (257-1480) 

On October 23rd and October 24th, 2015 the Haunted Tram was held at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.  Over 2,200 visitors attended this annual event, a fundraiser for Friends of HSWSP. 

Carla and another volunteer were the cashiers of the $5.00 suggested donation for adults and $3.00 for children 4 – 12 years of age. 

Manatee watch starts November 15th and Carla is looking forward to this, after about 13 seasons of manatee protection. 

Jessie’s Place——————————Sheila Aja (795-6697) and Leslie Martineau (746-2396) 

One day per week Sheila Aja and Leslie Martineau volunteer at the Citrus County Children’s Advocacy Center (Jessie’s Place, named in memory of Jessica Lunsford, the Citrus County Child whose 2005 death drew nationwide attention).  The center provides services to abused or neglected children.  These services include:

Video and audio recording technology in comfortable interview rooms; Medical diagnosis, evaluation, and nursing assessment by the U of Florida Child Protection Team; Crisis intervention counseling; Therapeutic services for children and non-offending caregivers; and Referrals to partner agencies. 

Citrus County Veterans Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee——-Leslie Martineau (746-2396) 

March Through May, Leslie Martineau meets with the Citrus County Veterans Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee for Veterans Appreciation Week in order to schedule our CRWC Lady Veterans Luncheon and to be aware of the Planned Veterans activities. 

Crystal Gem Manor Senior Home——Becky Culver, Madeline Markowitz & Ruth Samuda 

Becky, Madeline and Ruth went to the Crystal Gem Manor Senior Home and made Halloween Masks and Pumpkin Pins with the residents.  Shared Chocolate and played a few games. We had lots of fun.  Anyone wanting to spend an hour with these lovely people please contact Helen Lefave. 


Seen frequently on email and on Facebook: “When filling out your Christmas cards this year, take ONE CARD and SEND it to this address: A Recovering American Soldier, c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20307-5001.  If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these soldiers could get to bring up their spirits! Feel free to repost.  This is a wonderful thing to do!!” 

While the heart of the post seems to be in the right place, those cards will never reach an American soldier. Hoax-busting site reports that the U.S. Mail will not deliver any letters or packages addressed to “Any soldier” or “Any wounded soldier” at Walter Reed, for the safety and well-being of patients and staff.

Instead, the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center asks that all holiday mail for unnamed service members through the American Red Cross’s Holiday Mail for Heroes, at this address:            Holiday Mail for Heroes, P.O. Box 5456, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456 

PUBLIC ISSUES:  __________________________________Carla Nicklas (257-1480)

On October 19, 2015 members of our committee met to finalize plans for our November events.  We were happy to receive two new committee members – Merry Hart and Nancy Deso. 

Leslie Martineau has sent out the invitations for the November 9th luncheon to the women veterans and is receiving the confirmations. 

Our menu for November 9th is finalized and Leslie is working on the program. 

Any club member is welcome to join us at the November 11th Veterans Day Parade in Inverness. 

We have a busy and hard-working committee.  Thank you, ladies! 

We will not have a regular monthly meeting on November 16th but will meet in December. 

“NO BAKE” – BAKE SALE  _____________________Madeline Markowitz (794-0477)

This is just a simple recipe that is easy as can be.  No fuss No mess.  Can you even guess?

There is no flour, no shortening, no sugar, and no electricity.  All you have to do is Bring the Amount you would spend on making your BAKE SALE TREATS to our GFWC Crystal River Woman’s Club Christmas Membership luncheon on December 07, 2015 and put it in the donation jar!! 

Thank you for supporting Canine Companions for Independence – Wounded Veterans Initiative. 

Madeline Markowitz 

District 5 President Project  Chair 

CLUBHOUSE RENTALS:                  Carla Nicklas (257-1480 and Margie Harper (795-6790) 

                Weight Watchers rents every Tuesday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

                Weight Watchers rents every Thursday from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm

                IBEW rents the first Monday every Month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

                British American Club rents the fourth Monday every month from 6:30 pm 

GFWC CRWC General Meetings:

12:00 p.m. – 1:00p.m. Luncheon and Conversation, open to visitors

  1:00 p.m. – General Meeting, open to visitors

GFWC CRWC Board Meetings: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30ish am

STONE CRAB JAM – November 05, 2015           Rotary  1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

November 06 – 07